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BTM Healing Group 


You are at the heart of everything we do.


Our mission is to provide transformative healing experiences that empower you to achieve balance, harmony, and optimal well-being—no matter where you are. We specialize in various healing modalities, including Tesla Metamorphosis Healing, Breathwork, Sound Healing, Bio_Emotional Decoding and Reiki, to support your journey to health and vitality.


All our certified practitioners with years of expertise in alternative healing, are committed to delivering personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, our holistic approach is designed to bring clarity, peace, and transformation into your life—in person or from the comfort of your home.

Your well-being is our purpose.



Our Treatments​
BTM Healing Group offers a variety of healing experiences designed to suit your needs, whether you prefer the connection of a group setting or the focus of personalized care.·      
Group Healing Sessions: Join a collective energy experience that promotes harmony, relaxation, and shared healing. These sessions are currently available in person only.​·      
Personalized One-on-One Sessions: Receive individualized care tailored to your unique journey. Our one-on-one sessions are available via distance or in person, ensuring flexibility for our clients.​Whether you’re seeking balance, emotional release, or deep relaxation, our treatments are designed to guide you toward greater well-being and inner peace.​​

Our Logo
The Creation of Balance symbol, featured in our logo, is a channelled activated Sigil to foster harmony across all aspects of one’s life and throughout all dimensions of time, serving as a powerful tool for balance and alignment in all areas.

About Tesla Metamorphosis Healing


All information provided below is directly from website. 

Tesla Metamorphosis® has the privilege to have Tesla's name in the name of modality because we can access Tesla Waves. Tesla Waves are, according to scientists, unique for this form of healing. They are accessed directly from Active Ether; there are no machines involved. Unlike in the spectrum of the Hertzian domain, the density and the frequency of Tesla Waves are inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Tesla called them "Non-Hertzian Waves", and he wrote that they are different, not just in frequency, but also in their structure and form; they are multidimensional, and they are in the domain of new physics.​

Tesla Healing Metamorphosis® via distance. We access Tesla Waves, transformational healing frequencies, which re-establish the optimal flow of light in communication with the Universal Life Force, to activate healing on all levels.

Every living cell radiates light. Light is life. Tesla used the term “the spark of life”. Young and healthy cell radiates vibrant, coherent light. In the old and sick cell, this light is weak and chaotic. Tesla Metamorphosis creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it into the perfect balance of light. Biophotons, these light particles, travelling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic frequency patterns. This matrix, or field of frequency oscillations or resonance [Tesla’s biofield] specificity provides the energetic switch-boarding behind every cellular function. It provides DNA/RNA messengering and conducts the transference of information among cells, and throughout the Universe.

Nikola Tesla was aware that energy is not just a mechanical movement of particles; that he was interacting with Consciousness. Nowadays they call it the Field. Tesla used to call it Active Ether. In Tesla Metamorphosis, we are in this Consciousness through our heart intelligence. The healing occurs through the transfer of information between the consciousness of the client's bodies and Active Ether (the Consciousness). The healer is invited to be a part of the equation - observer and the observed.


Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis® is about your personal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. This process tends to elevate the human energy consciousness level to a higher frequency, towards the frequency of consciousness of the higher Light Beings. It creates the uninterrupted flow of the life energy, the perfect balance of the frequency of light within DNA, axiatonal lines and chakras of the human body, and initiates the revival of the thirteen original DNA strands. This brings back the memory of the knowledge and the arts and talents we once had, and which are now forgotten. Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis enhances our potentials and brings us closer to our optimal blueprint.

This process also brings into harmony the human DNA with the DNA of our mother planet Earth, and the DNA of resonating star systems, and of the Universe. When the human DNA is tuned with the symphony of the Universe, this will support the human to follow the big shift in the evolution of consciousness, which is now avoidable in this cycle of cosmic evolution. We have chosen to take on human form and to be in this dimension during this quantum leap of the human development, to evolve into Homo Luminous, the human of light.

The person who receives Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis will no longer be kept in biochemical slavery within the apparent realities in the three-dimensional world. Remember, we are divine spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience! This process is the re-awakening of the total expression of our wholeness.

Each person has a unique experience, but some of the most common immediate responses suggest:

·       Your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development might be expanded to a higher level.

·       You may have a greater capacity to give and receive love.

·       Your talents and creativity could be liberated and enhanced.

·       You may get a strong sense of life purpose.

·       You might be released from the feelings of fear and guilt.

·       You might clear negative emotional patterns.

·       You might achieve a different perspective of values, which gives you inner tranquillity.

·       Those that meditate might achieve a more profound meditation.

·       Life can be filled with Peace, Love, Harmony, Joy, Balance, Abundance and Creativity.

·       You may have a greater choice in your life and more confidence in decision making.

·       It brings about the balancing, relaxing, rejuvenating and harmonising of the physical body.

·       This process allows greater space for the spirit to express through the physical body.

·       Your consciousness might transcend the limitations of the three-dimensional level of consciousness.

·       Some clients say that they have changed for the better, and therefore, other people change in their relationship with them.

·       Some people report a changing job, changing partner, changing the place where they live.


Tesla Soul Communication® is a healing method where the healer and the client journey together from communicating on the level of the conscious mind, to reaching the subconscious mind and even transcending further to the level of the integrative mind. The healer goes to the Source to bring the message. The client does not have to, and most of the time is not physically present when this method is being performed. This communication transcends communication with words. This is the communication through meaning, images and emotions. The practitioner writes down everything as it comes through, without processing it through his logical mind or correcting it.

The only purpose of this process is healing; it has nothing to do with fortune-telling or scanning for medical diagnosing. In cases where some clients could not notice any significant improvement after three sessions of Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, the process of Tesla Soul Communication might help them to understand why they are preventing themselves from the healing. They might discover how and why they might be sabotaging themselves, or creating a situation or condition which is blocking them from going forward, from making a change. This method could also help us to find out the cause of an illness. There were cases where clients had discovered that they manifested a disease to punish themselves, or to punish somebody else, or to get attention, or to avoid changes in their life. The cause also could be a trauma from childhood, some experiences from a previous life, our resistance to accepting some situation or some truths, a stumble in our struggle to transcend the limitations that are created as a result of some personal belief systems; it could be anything. We keep in our subconscious mind many memories; thoughts, emotions, images, beliefs. Some of them are not pleasant. The events that were difficult to deal with, experiences that we want to forget, we push them into our subconscious mind. The problem is that they interfere with our life influencing our reactions, creating fears and illnesses. The process of Tesla Soul Communication helps us in bringing those issues from the subconscious to the conscious level, where we will be able to deal with them and to transcend the problem. As Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” Tesla Soul Communication can also help us tremendously on our journey of discovering our mission and purpose in this lifetime.

The difference between Tesla Metamorphosis®  and other alternative methods

Often, we get questions from people asking about the difference between Tesla Metamorphosis® and Reconnective Healing, or Tesla Metamorphosis® and Reiki. Here are the answers:


1. The difference among energy healing modalities is not in the way we wave our hands, or where we lay our hands. The difference is in the frequencies of energy that can be accessed. Unique for Tesla Metamorphosis is that Tesla Waves are available within Tesla's “bio-field”. This is confirmed by PIP camera, a special camera that can register the energy field more preciously then Kirilian camera: different frequencies have different code, and are presented in different colours.

Below is the YouTube link for he video clip from TV programs On the Edge of Science, where Dr Prof Ljubo Ristovski claims that this purple colour, registered on the images of Tesla Metamorphosis® sessions, is identical to the purple colour that appears around the Tesla Amplifier with extra Coil, and that this purple colour is unique to Tesla Metamorphosis® on PIP camera images; it does not appear on the images of any other modality. This confirms that Tesla Metamorphosis® is the only modality where practitioners can access Tesla Waves.

Tesla called these waves “non-hertzian waves”, and now we call them Tesla Waves, as he was the only one who worked with them. In his Canadian Patents Tesla wrote about these waves, explaining that they are different, not only in the quantity of their frequency; they are also different in their energy structure and form. That they are multidimensional, and that they are in the domain of a new physics.


Reiki session          

2. Upon the completion of Tesla Metamorphosis® seminars students have this purple colour on PIP camera images of their auras. Some made PIP photos a year, two and three years late, and this purple colour was still present, and even more intense. According to scientists, this is a completely new phenomenon.

3. Another proof that Tesla Waves affect consciousness evolution is the fact that all the students in Tesla Metamorphosis® II seminar are able to create communication with their clients on the level of the conscious, subconscious and integrative mind, though they were not aware of such their abilities before. In the process of Tesla Soul Communication the communication is achieved through images, meanings and emotions, which transcends the communication with words. This is the way how the Light Beings with higher frequency of consciousness communicate. During this process no symbols or rituals were used. Tesla Waves bring students to the frequency of consciousness which enables them to achieve such communication. Nothing similar is performed in any other modality, as far as we know.


4. On PIP camera images of all healing modalities the predominant are green colours, the colours of the Heart Chakra. This indicates the importance of love in the process of healing. That is why the exercise of radiating love, based on the research of the HeartMath institute, is done in Tesla Metamorphosis® I seminar.


Apart from the green colours, in Tesla Metamorphosis® also the purple colour appears, the colour of the Crown Chakra. Yogis practise a special meditation with the purpose of elevating the frequency of consciousness.  Meditation starts from the Root Chakra, which is red, up through the seven main chakras in the human body, finishing with the Crown Chakra which is purple. Not all yogis would manage to reach the level of the Crown Chakra. The phenomenon of the purple colour in auras of all students who attended Tesla Metamorphosis® seminars might indicate that the frequencies of Tesla Waves can enhance the frequency level of our consciousness to the frequency level of our Crown Chakra, bringing us closer to the Divine.

Tesla Waves also work on karmic level.  During Tesla Soul Communication clients might get insights of the events in some previous lives that might be affecting them in this life. (Read Article)


5. The light which appears around some clients during Tesla Metamorphosis® sessions was not noted with any other modalities that we know of. Within this light some movements are visible, similar to the dance of a seagrass. 

6. There are some additional completely new phenomena registered in Tesla Metamorphosis®:  Everybody in the room was able to see balls of light (orbs) moving toward Anya. Orbs visible to naked eye appeared during seminars in four more cities. (all photos are available in Anya's book or on the website: )

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ByTianaMiha Healing

Since 2018

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